歡迎來到紐威包裝技術(常州)有限公司!welcome to Neweigh Packaging Technology (ChangZhou) Ltd
F.F.S型卷筒塑料膜制袋灌裝系統 結構緊湊、利用***新的技術工藝制造,全自動地完成卷筒膜引入、自動袋口角封或角口點孔、底部封、空袋制作、依次打開袋口、物料充填、袋頂部封口、冷卻的整個制袋、灌裝過程。夾袋口與上游自動包裝秤相接,下游與自動倒袋、金屬檢測試、重量復檢、自動剔除、自動噴墨打印、自動碼垛等單元可隨意組合,配置成高效的全自動包裝生產線。
Gusseted Film Bag Making & Filling Station System The NWF.F.S. 800~1600 serial PE Gusseted Film Bag Making & Filling Station System consists of film roll stand, bag making, handled product filling, bag top sealing & cooling station. The System is designed & manufactured using the advanced technology & all the units are integrated into a compact body.
型號 Model:NWF.F.S.800~1600 serial
速度 Bagging capacity:1000~1600 bags per hour(Max:1600bags/hr)
袋長 Bag length:min.350mm; max.1100mm
袋寬 Bag width:min.250mm; max.600mm
邊凹縫深度 Depth of side gusset:90mm~120mm
邊凹縫寬度 Distance between side gussets:min.160mm
膜厚 Film thickness:70μm~300μm
卷筒膜直徑 Film dia:max.1600mm
卷筒支撐芯軸 Film supporting rod:min.70mm
塑料膜材質 Film composition:LDPE, HDPE+LDPE, LLDPE, PP
制袋灌裝速度 Bag making & filling speed:800~1000 bags/hr,1000~1200bags/hr, 1200~1600bags/hr.
每袋重量 Weight/Bag:25~50kg/bag(Max.50kg)
電源 Power supply:AC 380V, 50Hz, 3P, 4W
電耗 Power consup:10kw(Max)
氣源 Instrumental Air:0.5~0.7 Mpa
氣耗 Air consup: 110Nm3/hr.(Max)
允許工作環境溫度 Operation temp:-5~+45℃
允許工作環境濕度 Ambient Humidity:< 95%R.H
咨詢時請提供下列參數 Please supply the following data when enquiring:
1、包裝物料的特性參數 the handled material's characteristics
2、包裝袋的尺寸、塑料膜卷筒規格 bag size & film tube size/type
3、公用工程條件及現場平立面尺寸 utility & space/floor size at jobsite
1.卷筒膜架film roll stand | 2.角封corner seal | 3.角口點孔pinhole unit | |
4. 底部封口、切斷單元 bottom seal & cutting unit | 5.袋口切工、物料充填單元bag opening & filling unit | 6.袋口頂部封合單元top seal unit | 7.頂部熱合冷卻夾緊單元clamp unit for top seal cooling |