歡迎來到紐威包裝技術(常州)有限公司!welcome to Neweigh Packaging Technology (ChangZhou) Ltd
The serial Weighing Machine of pre-set weighing value for open-mouth & valve bag are the key unit equipment in the Fully Automatic Weighing & Packaging System. The other unit equipments can be selected to equip with the Weighing Machine depending on the handled material's productivity, operation flow, automation requirement or invest cost.
When you contact with us for enquiry, please prepare the following parameter in advance (very important):
A、the handled material's characteristics: name. bulk density. particle size. moisture content. fluidity. other specifications
B、bag size, bag material & bag type (e.g. valve or open mouth)
C、weight per bag & your required speed/accuracy
D、utility at jobsite
E、space/floor size & the connection size
For the weighing using open-mouth bag, valve bag, drum, super bag, & so on, the Weighing Machine usually consists of following units:
rough & dribble feeding, weighing bucket or weighing device, discharging chute or discharging device, clamping device or filling device
全自動稱重 Automatic Weighing
*凈重式或毛重式 *高精度稱重傳感器稱量 *智能化稱重控制儀表及PLC程序控制
*電磁閥、氣缸或伺服電機方式機械動作 *根據物料料性的不同,選用皮帶式、螺旋式、振作式、自重式等不同的粗細給料方式及下料方式 *粉料、顆粒料、塊粒、液體等物料均適用 *稱重范圍:5~1000kg
*net or gross weighing *high-accuracy load cells *intellectual weighing indicator & controller PLC controlling *mechanical action driven by cylinder or servo-motor *various rough & dribble feeding methods by belt, screw, vibration, gravity & other types *suitable for the material such as powder, granular, pellet, lump, liquid & so on *weighing range: 5~1000kg
振動給料 Vibratory Feeder | 皮帶給料 Belt-Feeder | 伺服馬達自重粗細給料 Gravity Feeder by Servo-Motor | 氣缸動作自重落料 Gravity Feeder by Air Cylinder | 滾動給料 Roll-Feeder |
1、螺旋給料裝置 Material Feeding By Screw 2、自動供袋 Bag Placing 3、夾袋裝置 Bag Opener & Filler (Bag Clamping) 4、傳感器 Load-Cell 5、袋底拍整 Bag Bottom Tapper On The Filling Station 6、袋底拍整 托袋 Bag Bottom Tapper On The Second Air Ridding Station 7、真空抽氣 Air Pumped Out By Vacuum 8、除塵 Dust Extracting Pipes 9、熱縫合 Heat Sealer 10、袋縫紉機(帶包邊帶縫合)Bag Closing Machine (Over Tape Sealer) 11、輸送機 Main Conveyor |
技術性能參數Technical Specification
1、敞口袋形式的稱重包裝wighing for open-mouth bag
A、單聯秤速度:≥ 400~600包/小時(料性不同,速度有所不同)
單包精度:凈重秤:優于± 0.1%~0.2%(料性不同,精度有所不同)
毛重秤:優于± 0.15%~0.3%(料性不同,精度有所不同)
B、雙聯秤速度:≥ 800~1400包/小時(料性不同,速度有所不同)
單包精度:凈重秤:優于± 0.1%~0.2%(料性不同,精度有所不同)
C、三聯秤速度:≥ 1200~2000包/小時(料性不同,速度有所不同)
單包精度:凈重秤:優于± 0.1%~0.2%(料性不同,精度有所不同)
A、single weighing barrel's speed: ≥ 400~600 bags/hr. (speed depends on the handled material's characteristics)
accuracy for each bag: net weighing-better than ± 0.1%~0.2% (accuracy depends on the handled material's characteristics)
gross weighing-better than ± 0.15%~0.3% (accuracy depends on the material's characteristics)
B、duplex weighing barrels speed: ≥ 800~1400 bags/hr.(speed depends on the material's characteristics)
accuracy for each bag: net weighing-better than ± 0.1%~0.2% (accuracy depends on the handled material's characteristics)
C、triple weighing barrels speed: ≥ 1200~2000 bags/hr.(speed depends on the material's characteristics)
accuracy for each bag: net weighing-better than ± 0.1%~0.2% (accuracy depends on the handled material's characteristics)
2、閥口袋形式的稱重包裝 wighing for valve bag
單聯秤: ≥ 100~120包/小時(螺旋或氣力吹料進袋,閥口直徑≥ 90mm)
雙聯秤: ≥ 240~400包/小時(螺旋或氣力吹料進袋,閥口直徑≥ 90mm)
三聯秤: ≥ 360~600包/小時(螺旋或氣力吹料進袋,閥口直徑≥ 90mm)
單包稱重精度:凈重式優于± 0.2%(料性不同,精度有所不同)
毛重式優于± 0.25%~0.3%(料性不同,精度有所不同)
speed: (net or gross weighing)
single: ≥ 100~120 bags/hr (product screwed or pneumatically conveyed into valve bag, nozzle dia.≥ 90mm)
duplex: ≥ 240~400 bags/hr (product screwed or pneumatically conveyed into valve bag, nozzle dia.≥ 90mm)
triple: ≥ 360~600 bags/hr (product screwed or pneumatically conveyed into valve bag, nozzle dia.≥ 90mm)
net weighing-better than ± 0.2%(accuracy depends on the product's characteristics)
Groos weighing-better than ± 0.25%~0.3%(accuracy depends on the product's characteristics)